Breast Augmentation and Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Boston, MA

Breast Augmentation and Lift Boston, MA

A breast augmentation and lift, also known as augmentation mastopexy, is the combination of a breast augmentation (breast implants) and a mastopexy (breast lift) at the same time. It serves to both increase the volume and fullness of a patients’ breasts, as well as lift the breasts to give an improved contour and increase perkiness of the breasts.

Before and After Photos


This procedure usually takes 2-3.5 hours to perform depending on the complexity. The more asymmetric you are to start with, the more work Dr. Lee needs to perform, and this can lengthen the operation.

Augmentation mastopexy starts by placing breast implants under the breast. Then, the mastopexy (breast lift) is performed to center the breast tissue over the breast implant. This gives a much more natural appearance and restores the youthful look of someone’s breasts.

Ideal Candidate

Good candidates for augmentation mastopexy are patients who desire larger, fuller breasts in the setting of breast sagging, otherwise known as breast ptosis. During your consultation, Dr. Lee will go over the options for your procedure. Breast implants come in a variety of types and sizes including saline breast implants and silicone breast implants. Dr. Lee can go over the benefits of each and let you know which option will provide you with the results you are looking for.

If you are not a good candidate for this combined procedure, Dr. Lee may recommend achieving the same look by undergoing breast augmentation and mastopexy (breast lift) separately.


Patients should expect fuller and more youthful appearing breasts, but as with all breast surgery, perfect symmetry between two breasts is never possible. Patients should expect small differences between breasts after surgery just as there are always small differences between breasts before surgery.

Common situations for augmentation mastopexy include:

  • Breast changes after pregnancy
  • Breast changes after weight loss
  • Being one of the unlucky ones who developed breast sagging and asymmetry early life


Breast Augmentation and Lift Boston, MA

Recovery after augmentation mastopexy usually involves 5-7 days. There may be some swelling and bruising around the area. Any pain or discomfort you may experience can be managed with prescription pain medication. Patients are typically back to work or school within one week. More strenuous activity such as heavy lifting, running, or exercise should be avoided for several weeks. Dr. Lee will ask you to wear the surgical bra given to you or a non-underwired, non-padded sports bra of your choice for a month. You may go bra shopping and wear any kind of bra after one month.


Breast augmentation and lift prices in Boston are estimates only. Dr. Lee will determine the price during your consultation and will be affected by the recommended surgical technique, patient anatomy, time, and implant type (If applicable). Click here for our pricing guide and additional information.


At JL Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the personalized surgical care they need. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts and would like fuller, larger, and shapelier breasts, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Harvard-trained plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Lee. He can provide you with natural-looking results from your breast augmentation with lift in Boston.