Ear Reshaping
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Boston, MA

Otoplasty is otherwise known as ear pinning surgery and is used to correct a prominent ear deformity. This is different than having large ears as most patients with a prominent ear deformity have ears that stick out too far from their head.
This procedure takes 2-3 hours to perform under a sedation anesthesia.
Your Otoplasty will be performed by Dr. Jeffrey Lee at his office in Boston, MA

Good candidates for otoplasty are patients with prominent ears, or ears that protrude too far from their head. If the ear also is too large, then an ear reduction procedure can be combined at the same time.
Patients undergoing otoplasty are usually back to work or school within a week. After surgery, patients are sent home with their ears and most of their head wrapped in gauze. Dr. Lee will remove the wrap after 2-4 days. You will then need to wear a headband or beanie for 2 weeks 24/7 and then another 2 weeks at night. Swelling and bruising are a normal part of the recovery process and usually takes a few weeks to improve significantly.
Otoplasty prices in Boston are estimates only. Dr. Lee will determine the price during your consultation and will be affected by the recommended surgical technique, patient anatomy, time, and implant type (If applicable). Click here for our pricing guide and additional information.
Contact JL Plastic Surgery in Boston today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee.